Potential: Week 4

Who is one person in your life that makes you better?
1. When we mess up in life, is it hard to hear it from other people? Why?

2.  R.E.A.D Proverbs 11:14. What role should trusted friends or mentors play in our dating lives

3. How can we be people who seek out wisdom in our lives, especially when it comes to dating?

4. How can we help EACH OTHER to seek and listen to wisdom when it comes to dating?

5. What’s one benefit you might gain from opening up to someone older and wiser about dating specifically?

6. What qualities would you look for in someone you want to speak about dating and relationships in your life?

7. Who in your life now could you ask to be that person for you right now?

R.E.A.D Method


As a small group leader, it's important to be sure someone is investing in your life so that you are better able to invest in the lives of your students. So, think about who that person is or could be for you and make an effort to invite them into more of your life this week.  

Take the advice you're giving to your students this week and consider who you have speaking into your own life.